How a Family Registers Using a Provided Link

This article provides information about families using a provided link to register for a parish.

You can share a link on your website, in your bulletin, or in other media for families to complete their own registration for your parish.


Families can use the following steps to complete the online registration:

Open Registration

1. Click the provided link to open the registration form.

2. Click the Get Started button.


Family Information

1. Enter your Family Name (Last Name) into the form.  

2. Enter your Family Phone number.  

3. If you wish, enter your Family Email Address.  

Note* The family email only needs to be set if it is different from the Head of Household email, as the system can use the Head of Household email by default for all communication. The family email does not update automatically when the Head of Household email is updated and must be maintained separately.  

4. Enter your Street Address (click the plus icon to add a second line for your address if it is needed).  

5. Enter your City, State, and Zip Code.

6. If custom fields are used, enter the Family Additional Information.

Note* Items with the Help Text (question mark) icon have additional information to aid you in completing the item. Hover over the icon to view the help text.


Head of Household Information

1. On the Family Summary card, click the Next: Add Head of Household button.

2. Enter information for the Head of Household: Title, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Email Address, Phone Number, and Gender.

3. Select all Sacraments received and include date, location, and any other notes, if known.

4. If you choose, enter Name Preferences: Middle Name, Preferred Name, and/or Maiden Name.

5. If you choose, enter any Demographics: Language, Ethnicity, Religion, Marital Status, Occupation, and/or Employer.

6. If custom fields are used, enter any member Additional Information in the fields.

7. On the Family Summary card, click the Continue button.

Adding Additional Members

1. Click the Add Family Member (plus sign) icon to add another family member.

2. Enter the information for the member.

Note* As you enter the information for the additional family member, select the appropriate member Type in the drop-down menu. The field auto-populates to Adult or Child depending on the Date of Birth entered. Anyone under 18 years old is auto-populated to Child, and anyone over 18 years old is auto-populated to Adult. The Adult status can be overridden to Spouse or Other. Any member not listed as Spouse does not appear in the communication generated by the system or appear in the Formal or Informal Family Name.

Note* If you have selected the sacrament of Marriage for the Head of Household, it is automatically applied to the Spouse member.

3. Once all the information is entered, click the Add Member Button on the family Summary Card.

Edit Information

To edit family information or a member's information, click the pencil icon on the Family Summary card.

Remove Member

If you need to remove a member, complete the following steps:

1. Click the remove (minus sign) icon for the appropriate member on the Family Summary Card.

2. On the confirmation card, click Delete.

Register Family

On the Family Summary Card, click Register Family.

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