About Directory Dashboard

This article provides information about the Directory Dashboard.

Access Directory Dashboard

To open Directory and view the dashboard, select Directory in the main menu or click the Open Directory button on the Directory card in the Hub Dashboard.

Directory Dashboard Layout

The Directory Dashboard has a number of components to help you understand and organize the information in Directory.

Search Card

Enter a family or member name in the Search card to search Directory for active families and members. Select the family or member to view details and information.

Notification Cards

The Notification cards provide updates, pending changes, or notifications, alerting you to actions that may need to be taken or information that may need to be updated. Notification cards only appear when certain information needs to be updated:

Overview Card

The Overview card provides information on registered and contributing families, including totals for registered families, actively contributing families, and new families recorded in the past 30 days. The Total Registered Families count on the overview card includes all families registered in the system, including both active and inactive families. Click the Add Family button on the overview card to Add a New Family to Directory.

Offering Card

The Offering card provides a summary of offerings for the week, with a breakdown of offering types and total collected. Click the View Offerings button on the card to view the Offerings page.

Sacramental Statistics Cards

The Sacramental Statistics cards provide a count of sacraments recorded in Directory, based on when the sacraments were received by members. Select the filters to view statistics over different timeframes: past 7 days, past 30 days, last month, year to date, last year, and all time.


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