Identify Families who are Active Contributors

This article describes how to identify families who are Active Contributors.

To be considered an active contributor, a family must have given a gift to your organization within the active contributor timeframe specified in your Directory Settings. If you have Online Giving, online donor accounts that have given a gift within the timeframe (or have a scheduled gift, depending on your settings) are also marked as active contributors in the system. You can adjust the active contributor timeframe by Editing the Active Contributor Settings in Directory Settings.

To help you identify active contributors, families and online donors that meet the criteria are marked with the active contributor badge in the system. You can quickly find all families that meet active contributor status by using the Quick Tasks Filters.

Note* Active contributor online donor accounts are not included in the quick tasks filter results.

The  Active Contributor badge is displayed on the Family Detail card on the family detail page for all families that meet active contributor status.

The  Active Contributor badge is displayed on the  Donor Detail card on the Donor Detail page for all online donors that meet active contributor status.

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