Update Camino Personal Access Token
This article describes how to update the Personal Access Token for the OSV Giving - Camino API.
After you have Generated a Camino Personal Access Token, you can update the token by generating a new Personal Access Token at any time.
Note* Generating a new token invalidates the current token, breaking the OSV Giving link to Camino. Use the new token to restore the connection between Camino and OSV Giving.
To help keep your Giving data secure, the Personal Access Token expires one year from generation, breaking the link between OSV Giving and Camino. The Manage Camino Token side sheet provides notifications when the token is one month from expiring and when the token has expired. To reactivate the connection between OSV Giving and Camino, generate a new Personal Access Token.
You can Delete the Camino Personal Access Token if needed.
For the API documentation, please see OSV Giving - Camino API.
Complete the following steps to update the Personal Access Token for the OSV Giving - Camino API:
1. In the main menu, select Settings.
2. On the Giving Settings card, click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.
3. In the drop-down menu, select Manage Camino Token.
4. On the Manage Camino Token side sheet, click the Generate Personal Access Token button.
Note* Generating a new token invalidates the current token, breaking the OSV Hub link to Camino. Use the new token to restore the connection between Camino and OSV Hub.
5. Click the token to copy the token to your clipboard.
Note* Make sure you copy the token before you close the side sheet. The token is not stored and cannot be viewed again.
Note* The success notification confirms you have copied the token.
6. Click the Close button.
7. Provide the Personal Access Token to Camino for integration.