Download Sacrament Certificates from the Student Card
This article provides steps to download Sacrament Certificates from the student card.
An administrator can generate a download file from the student card of all First Communion and Confirmation Sacrament certificates for selected students who have certificates. The user can select just one, or multiple students at a time.
Complete the steps to download sacrament certificates from the student card:
1. From Religious Ed go to Terms.
2. Click on the desired term to view.
3. Click on Classes in the main menu.
4. Click on the desired class to view class details.
5. Place a checkmark in the box next to the desired student's name. (Check the box at the top of the list to select all names.)
6. Click on Download Certificate. (This option is only viewable after students are selected.)
7. Click on either Download Confirmation Certificates or Download First Communion Certificates.
8. Click on Download. Based on the number of students selected, the system will alert you as to how many sacrament certificates will be downloaded and how many students do not have Sacrament records to download.
View and save or print the certificate(s).

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