How Members Verify their Information for Directory

This article provides information on how Directory members verify their family information in response to your information request sent through Directory.

In Directory, you can request updated family information for a single family or use Quick Task filters to send out a group of email requests to multiple families at once. You can also use the Data Explorer Request Information Updates Action to request updated information from families. The  member's response process is the same, whether the request was sent individually or in a group. The information request enables families to review and update information for the family and each member. New members can also be added.

Note* The link is only valid for 14 days and it cannot be reused once the update is submitted.


The member completes the following steps to verify their family information:

1. In the information request email, click the Verify Your Information button. The Registration Review opens in a web browser window.

2. Click the Get Started button to begin the review process.

Review Family Details

1. Review the family information (name, contact information, and address) and make any needed updates.

2. If applicable, review and update the Family Additional Information.

3. Click the Next: Review Head of Household button on the Family Summary card to review member information.

Review Member Details

1. Review the Member Information (name, date of birth, contact information, and gender).

2. Review the member Sacraments and make updates as needed.

Note* Sacraments and additional information can be added or updated; sacraments cannot be removed during the review process.

3. Review the member Name Preferences.

4. Review the member Demographics.

5. If applicable, Review any member Additional Information.

6. To review other members, click the Next: Review Member button.

Continue to review and update member information until all family members have been reviewed.

After all members have been reviewed, you can reopen/review the family or member details by clicking the Edit (pencil) icon on the Family Summary card.

Add Family Member

After all current family members have been reviewed, you can add another member to the registration if you need to. Click the Add Family Member (+) icon to add a member to the family.

Submit Family Updates

Once all family and member information has been reviewed click the Submit Family Updates button to complete the review.

Note* The link is only valid for 14 days and it cannot be reused once you have submitted the update.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.

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