Refund a Donor Account for a Removed Donor

This article provides steps to locate and refund a donor account that has been deleted.

When a donor is removed from the system, it cancels any existing gifts and deletes active payment methods, but a removed account does not show up in searches, nor does it show up in any metrics. It does not show up in the Donor List report, however, the account still resides in the system for historical purposes. The account does show information on the Giving Detail Report, so that is where you begin the refund process for a donor account that has been removed.


Complete the following steps to refund a Donor Account that has been removed:

1. From Giving select Reporting.

2. From the Configure Report card, click on the drop-down menu and select the Giving Detail Report.

3. After selecting the appropriate report elements, click on Run Report

4. From the desired Fund, click on Show Transactions

5. Locate the desired line item. (Donor's Name)

6. From the ellipsis you can view both the Account Detail or View Transaction. (Viewing the Transaction will show you the Contribution Details.)

7. Select Account Detail. 


8. On the Transaction History card, click on the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu of the desired transaction.

9.  Select the option to Refund

10. Select a Refund Reason

11. Click on Submit to process the refund. 

Note* A refund icon is viewable on the refunded line item on the Contributions card. The line item is highlighted in yellow and a line runs through the amount. These are all indicators of the amount having been refunded. 


Note* Visual steps are best viewed at full screen. Click Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 




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