Create Custom Lookup Tables for a Registration
This article provides steps to create custom lookup tables.
Mission Suite has a number of standard lookup tables to try to capture attributes about a person, including lookups for strengths, interests, spiritual gifts, and others. Additionally, you can create up to 5 lookup tables custom to your needs. You have complete control over the values of the lookup tables. You can add, change and delete the values as needed.
A Lookup can be added to any registration form for the registrant to answer when registering for an event. The custom lookup can become a part of each parishioners' faith journey giving you additional insight on how you can help them in their walk.
Complete these steps to create custom lookup tables:
1. Click on the Settings icon.
2. Click on Lookups from the main menu.
3. Click on the + Custom Lookup button.
4. Click on the edit pencil icon to enter the custom lookup table name.
5. Enter the table Lookup Name.
6. Click Save.
Note* The table Lookup Name is viewable on the right side of the card now.
7. Click on + Add Item to enter each item for the new custom lookup table.
8. Enter the item.
9. Click on Save after every entry.

Note* Once all the items are added click Save to complete the table.
Note* To remove an item, place a checkmark in the desired box and click on the trash can icon, and then click Save.
A Lookup can be added to any registration form for the registrant to answer when registering for an event, such as Alpha, or registering for a small group. Other lookup possibilities could be favorite activities, hobbies, or mentors.
In addition to the custom lookup feature, which can become a part of each parishioners' faith journey, you can also use the custom questions feature on the registration form. Click here for more information about customizing a participant registration form.
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