Delete Envelope Lists

This article provides steps to delete envelope lists from the system.

Staff can delete envelope lists from the system to remove lists that are not needed. An envelope list cannot be deleted if it is tied to any open orders. An open order means that a list is being actively used to fill an envelope order. If an open order gets deleted the envelope order will not be able to be printed.

Complete these steps to delete an envelope list:

1. From Directory select Lists from the main menu.

Note* An envelope list cannot be deleted if it is tied to any open orders.  The line items highlighted in blue are open orders.

2. Click on the desired envelope list to view the envelope list detail page.

3. Click on the ellipses to view the drop down menu.

4. Select Delete List from the drop down menu.

5. Click on Confirm to process. This action cannot be undone!

The deleted envelope list is removed from the envelope list page.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 

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