About Pledge Batches

This article provides information about Pledge Batches.

When a Pledge is made, the organization tracks it so they they can see who has pledged to give to specific campaigns. The Pledges are grouped in batches each day as they are entered. The pledge batches are separated by source; Online, Offline (Physical pledges) and Imported and can be viewed on the Pledge Batches page.

The Pledge Batches page displays the date pledge was entered, source, pledge count, pledge totals, and total batches. When a pledge is entered, if there is not a batch for that source yet, a new batch is created.


Clicking on any row on the Pledge Batch page opens the Batch Detail page to view more details about a specific batch.

Check this out for more information on how a user can  View a Pledge Batch, or Add a Pledge to a Batch  or Update a Pledge.





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