Update a Pledge Amount on the Donor Site

This article provides steps to update a Pledge Amount on the donor site.

A donor can update their pledge amount by changing the amount if necessary. The amount cannot be reduced to less than the amount already given. If the donor sets the amount equal to the balance, this will complete the pledge and cancel any gift set to fulfill the pledge. When the pledge amount is updated, the gift the donor created to fulfill the pledge is updated to reflect the new pledged amount. The donor can immediately view a summary of the gift changes and will receive an email about the change.

Complete the following steps for a donor to update a pledge:

1. From the donor site go to My Gifts.

2. From the Pledges card, locate the Fund.

3. Click on the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

4. Select Update Pledge Amount.

5. Make desired update to the pledge. 

6. Click on Update to process. 

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