Select Data Source


This article describes a feature available through Early Access, and the following information only applies to Early Access for this feature. To learn more, please see Early Access Overview.


This article provides steps to select the data source in Data Explorer.

With Data Explorer, you can search, analyze, and export data from the system. To begin exploring data, select your data source to search. The data source determines which types of records are displayed in the results. During Early Access, the available data sources are Directory Families and Members. After you have selected a data source, you can add filter conditions to refine the data, customize the results card to get just the information you need, and export the results.


Complete the following steps to select the data source in Data Explorer:

1. In Data Tools, select Data Explorer in main menu.

2. On the Data Source card, Select a Data Source in the drop-down menu. During Early Access, the available data sources are Directory Families and Members.

On the Results card, records from the selected data source are displayed. For example, all Directory members are initially displayed on the Results card when the Members data source is selected. For result sets with more than 50 records, the Results card displays a preview of your data; however, your Data Export contains information for the entire set of results. To further refine your data, Add Filter Conditions.

Note* You can change the data source at any time by selecting a new source on the Data Source card, even after conditions have been added. However, changing the data source may remove conditions you have added and change the results. Changing the source cannot be undone.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.

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