Update Donor Account Envelope Number
This article provides steps to update the donor account envelope number for organizations without Church Manager.
For if your organization has Online Giving, but does not use Church Manager, you can update a donor account envelope number on the donor detail page. Envelope numbers are needed for each donor account for most Online Giving Exports in order to help match Online Giving data with another church management system. If you have missing envelope numbers, please see Update Missing Envelope Numbers for instructions regarding updating the missing envelope numbers.
Complete the following steps to update a donor account envelope number:
1. In Giving, select Accounts in the main menu.
2. Select the account for which you want to update the envelope number.
3. On the Donor Detail card, click the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.
4. In the drop-down menu, select Change Envelope Number.
5. Enter the updated envelope number.
6. Click the Update button.