How quickly can we get envelopes to our new parishioners?

We have a few options for you. Envelopes can be ordered printed in bulk to give to new parishioners that register, and extra sets of envelopes can be sent to the parish with each mailing cycle. These sets include special collection envelopes and are dated but do not have parishioner information printed on them. These can be handed out to newly registered families. 

The most popular option is our Starter Set service for new families. These envelopes are mailed first-class within 48 business hours of our notification, to insure quick delivery to new parishioners. A Starter Set consists of one envelope pre-printed with parishioner information for each Sunday of the month in your mailing cycle.

Starter Sets can be requested within the Online List Manager or by faxing or emailing a list of names, addresses, and envelope numbers of your new people. The parish is billed per packet, plus first-class postage.

Click here for information on activating envelope starter sets.

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