Add New Family to Directory
This article explains how to Add a New Family to Directory.
When a new family joins your parish, you can add a new family to Directory, including the family level information and individual member level information. Your members can also register themselves online using your registration link.
Complete the following steps to add a family to Directory:
1. In Directory Dashboard, click the Add Family button on the Overview card.
2. With Auto-Incrementing Enabled, the next available Envelope Number automatically populates on the Add Family card. If Auto-Incrementing is not enabled, add a unique Envelope Number.
3. Enter the Family Phone number and, if you wish, the Family Email. The family email address and phone number are used throughout the system in various imports, exports, and reports; however, you may wish to only set the family email if it is different from the head of household email, as the system uses the head of household email by default if the family email has not been set.
Note* The family email is not automatically updated with the head of household email and must be maintained separately.
The family contact information (phone number and email) appears on the Family Detail card, and the family phone number is displayed on the Member Detail card of any family member without his or her own phone number.
4. Enter the family Address.
Note* An address that is already in Directory generates a warning notification to help you avoid duplicates or errors. You can still proceed if the families have the same address.
5. If you have defined Custom Fields for families, you can update the custom fields information in the Family Additional Information section.
6. Enter the Title and Name of the Head of Household. The Head of Household appears first in all communication with the family.
Note* Entering a name that already exists in the Directory, formal or informal, generates a warning notification about the duplication. You can still add the name but there may be duplicate entries.
7. Enter the Demographics and Contact Information for the Head of Household. If you wish, enter an External ID, used to tie members to an external, third party system.
8. If you have defined Custom Fields for members, you can update the custom fields information in the Additional Information section.
9. To enter the sacraments the Head of Household has received, click Add Sacrament.
10. Select the Sacrament from the drop-down menu: Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, and Holy Orders. Add the Date, Location, and additional Notes for each sacrament entered.
11. Continue clicking Add Sacrament until all sacraments the Head of Household has received have been entered.
12. Ensure the Register This Family checkbox is selected if you wish to register the family for your organization. Update the Registration Date if needed.
Note* If you choose not to register the family now, you can Set a Registration Date for the family at a later time.
13. Click Add Additional Family Members to add more members and their information.
14. As you enter the Additional Family Member information, click the family member Type field and select the appropriate type from the dropdown menu. The field auto-populates to Adult or Child depending on the Date of Birth entered. Anyone living in the household under 18 is listed as Child and over 18 as Adult. The Adult status can be overridden to Spouse or Other. Any member not listed as Spouse does not appear in the communication generated by the system or appear in the Formal or Informal Family Name.
15. Click the Add button to complete the current family and add another family, or click the Add and View Detail button to complete the process and view the details of the current family.
The family is created in Directory and their information is displayed on the Family Detail page:
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