Add a Child Organization under a Parent Organization in the Enterprise Application

This article provides steps on how to add a child organization under a parent organization in the Enterprise Application.

The Enterprise application supports organizations with structure below them, like a diocese with churches. Those can be organized more discreetly as well: within areas or regions, vicariates or deaneries, etc. There also may be churches and families of parishes where there are multiple organizations within a certain hierarchy. 

The Enterprise module is flexible and can be set up as a people based hierarchy, an organizational based hierarchy, or a combination of both with parent child type relationships. The labels can easily be changed to accommodate either.


Complete the following steps to add a child organization under a parent organization:

1. Click on the desired organization to view the organization details.

2. Click on the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

3. Click on Add Child Organization.

4. Enter the required information. (Required: Organization Type, Name, and Address. Not required: Phone Number, Email address, and a link to the organization's website if you know it. 

5. Select whether or not you want to track the status of the relationship.

6. Click on Save.

Note* The new school is located under the parent.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 

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