About Campaigns

This article describes what a campaign is and how to track a campaign’s progression.  

A campaign is created to help raise money for a designated period of time and is tied to a fund. Campaigns have set goals for the amount of money they hope to raise. Campaigns can be created and tracked within the Giving Module. Campaigns can be Created, Updated or Removed.

Once campaigns are created, donations can be monitored on the Giving dashboard by viewing the Campaign Dashboard Cards. Campaign Dashboard Cards for all campaigns, can be viewed on the Fund List page. All campaigns are included and can be viewed here, as well as on the Fund Details page, where more detailed data about that particular campaign is available.

Donations that have been received and pledges that have not been collected are tracked within the system and displayed on the Campaign Dashboard CardsCampaigns may or may not have pledges. Any contributions made to a specific fund within the start and end date of the associated campaign will be counted towards the campaign goal.

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