About Pledge Reports

This article provides information about Pledge Reports and links to steps to run Pledge Reports.

A Pledge report can be run from the Fund Detail Screen. It provides results for the specifically selected fund. A Pledge report can also be run from Reporting in Giving. Creating the Pledge report in the Reporting module provides an opportunity to get results for all Pledges and their progress.

If the organization has the “Associated Organizations” feature enabled, an option is displayed in the Pledge Report configuration to “group report by organization.” Users can select which of their Associated Organizations and Funds to include on the report. 

Along with the pledge's status, the user is able to view the actual amount collected for a fund on the report. For example: If an additional contribution is given towards an active pledge, but the amount exceeds the pledge total amount, the collected amount that exceeds the pledge total amount is displayed on the Pledge report. 

The Pledge report can separate the pledges that have been updated since they were added to the system. The main use for this is so added and updated pledges can be viewed separately. Running this report without configuring the report this way results in all the pledges that have been added to the system during a specified time frame. Filtering for only pledges that have been updated helps you identify the pledges that may need to be updated in another system. 

Pledge report results can be emailed to desired Associated Organizations. Click here to find out more about creating customized emails to report pledge results to Associated Organizations.

A Donor may have multiple Pledges per Fund, and may appear on report results multiple times due to giving multiple Pledges. The Report is grouped by Fund and is always ordered by the Fund Name.

The Pledge Report can be sorted by:

  • Donor’s Name (Last Name First)
  • The total amount of the Pledge
  • Date (Start and End Date of the Pledge)
  • Frequency (Monthly, weekly, etc.)
  • Balance owed

Check this out for more information about Running a Pledge Report from the Fund Detail Screen or Running a Pledge Report from Reporting in Giving.

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