Ideas to Increase Your Donors

Marketing your Online Giving to your church is the most important step to ensuring more people sign up. This can be done at launch, but in order to sustain sign-ups, it is important to have a plan to continue to engage your congregation throughout the lifetime of the program.

Here are some things to remember when promoting your Online Giving program to parishioners:

1. Make it easy to find on your website.

2. It is important to allow donors to donate as easily as possible and making it easily accessible on the website is crucial for allowing people to sign up quickly and easily.

4. Make sure it is in the basic communications pieces of the church. Envelopes are a great place to remind people there are other donation options, especially if they cannot attend at the church. Bulletins should have Online Giving as an item to show progress for sign-ups, show donation amounts and also throw in a nice graphic every few issues so people are drawn by the change.

5. Have the Pastor announce it

The pastor is the leader of the congregation, and by announcing it and endorsing it can really gain traction among the people.

6. Try a high-impact mailing

We have a marketing kit you can utilize which includes a personalized letter from the pastor, as well as a FAQ card, posters and insert cards in your mailed envelope packets. Please reach out to your digital product specialist at 800-348-2886 X2127 to learn more!

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