Edit a Religious Education Class

This article provides steps to edit a Religious Education class.

An administrator can edit the name, class size, program option, grade, building, room and sacrament information for a Religious Education class. 


Complete the following steps to edit a Religious Education class:

1. From Religious Education locate the desired Term.

2. Click on the ellipsis and select View

3. From the Term Details screen, click on Classes from the main menu. 

4. Select the class to edit.

5. Click on the ellipsis to view the drop-down menu.

6. Select on Edit Class

7. Edit the form as necessary. 

Note* By editing the class detail any changes made to individual sessions will be lost. You can notify parents and guardians of this change in the message center.

You can change the Name, Maximum Class Size, or select a different Program Option.

You can also select a different Grade, or enter a different Building or Room number.


Sacraments can be edited to include No Sacrament, only First Communion, only Confirmation or both First Communion and Confirmation for the class.

8. Click on Save to process the change.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 







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