Mission Pathways Inform Reports
This article provides steps to run Mission Pathways Inform reports to analyze individuals' past involvement.
The Inform reports show individuals' involvement across experiences in Encounter and Grow. There are three main reports: the Involvement Report, an Encounter Report, and the Grow Volunteer Report.
Complete the following steps to run various Involvement History reports:
1. In the Mission Pathways application click on Inform Reports and Statistics.
2. Select Reports.
3. Place a checkmark in the box for the section of the report you desire; either the Encounter Sessions or the Grow Groups. This allows you to get only the section of the report you want. You do not need to enter start or end dates but can if you feel it would be helpful.
4. Enter a checkmark in the box of either Encounter Volunteer History or Grow Volunteer History to get a full report. You do not need to enter start or end dates but can if you feel it would be helpful.
5. Click on the Generate Reports button.
Note* When you click on Generate Reports, an excel spreadsheet downloads with the data.
Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.