Record Multiple Sacraments for a Class From the Student Card
This article provides steps to record multiple Sacraments for a class from the student card.
An administrator can record multiple sacraments for one or more students in the class from the student card in the Religious Education module. The selection available to the user depends on what Sacrament is currently designated on the Class Details card: First Communion, Confirmation or both.
The Sacrament assigned to a class can be updated if necessary.
Complete the steps to record multiple Sacraments for students in a class:
1. From Religious Ed go to Terms.
2. Click on the desired term to view.
3. Click on Classes in the main menu.
4. Click on the desired class to view class details.
5. Place a checkmark in the box next to the desired student's name. (Check the box at the top of the list to select all names.)
Note* To be efficient, an administrator can select multiple students in a class at one time from multiple pages, not just the first page.
6. From the drop-down arrow, click on Add First Communion Sacrament. (This option becomes viewable after students are selected.) The Sacrament offered for selection in the drop-down is the Sacrament that has been designated for the class and viewable on the class details card.
Note* Based on the number of students selected, the system advises you on how many sacrament certificates will be recorded and how many will not. This update is reflected on their directory record.
Example Summary Statement: Record the Confirmation Sacrament on 1 students? 1 student(s) already has this sacrament recorded on their directory entry and will not be modified.
None of the fields in the side sheet are required. (Date, Location, Check box for Performed by, Notes, and Presiding Clergy)
7. Select the date for the recorded Sacrament.
8. Place a checkmark in the box to indicate where the Sacrament was performed.
9. Enter notes if appropriate.
10. From the drop-down menu, select the presiding clergy.
11. Click on Record. The update will be reflected on the student's directory record.
The new sacrament icon is viewable on the student card page next to the students who have the Sacrament recorded.
Note* If the class offers the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation, both selections are offered on the Update Sacrament drop-down menu but must be selected and updated for multiple students by selecting one to record for the students selected and then the other.
Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.