Send a Group Message from the Student Card
This article provides steps on how to send a group message to the primary contact for one or more students from the Religious Education Student Card.
A Religious Education administrator can send a group message to the primary contact (parent or guardian) of selected students from the Student Card. The administrator can select just one, or multiple students at a time, including students on subsequent pages of the student list. This new feature adds convenience and saves time.
Complete these steps to send a group message to selected students from the student card:
1. From Religious Ed go to Terms.
2. Click on the Term to view the Term Details.
3. Click on Classes in the main-menu.
4. Click on the desired class to view class details.
5. On the Student card, place a checkmark in the box next to the desired student's name. Check the box at the top of the list to select all names. The user can select one, or multiple students at a time, including students on different pages.
6. Click on Send Group Message. (This option is only viewable after students are selected.)
7. Enter the necessary email details, including a Reply Email, Subject, and Email body in the sidesheet.
8. Place a checkmark in the box to have a copy of the email sent to yourself.
Note* You are able to view the number of emails that will be sent, minus any students whose primary contact does not have an email available.
9. Click on the Send button.
Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.