Religious Education Custom Fields Overview

This article provides an overview of Religious Education Custom Fields.

Custom Fields are unique data points you can set to record additional information in the system specific to your organization's needs. Custom Fields gives you the flexibility to record specialized information you want to track for Religious Education, tailored to your particular ministries and circumstances. There are several field types to choose from, including text, number date and choice fields. The additional information becomes an integrated part of your system.

After the custom fields are created, you can update custom field answers on a submitted religious education registration form that was created for a specific term. Additionally, you can set the order of custom fields to appear on the public registration form when you create a custom field for registrations in Religious Education or edit a custom field for a Religious Education term.

All activity related to creating, updating, editing, or deleting custom fields in the system is recorded on the Custom Fields Activity page

Accessing Custom Fields

Custom Fields are available to add fields and record information for Religious Education registrations. You can create and manage Custom Fields in Data Tools in the main menu.

Creating Custom Fields

To Create a Custom Field for a Religious Education Term, go to Data Tools and select Custom Fields in the main menu.

Setting Order of Custom Fields

After creating custom fields, you can set the order in which they appear. Click the Reorder icon to drag and drop the custom fields into the order you prefer. The custom fields appear throughout the system in the order you set. The order you set for custom fields on the Custom Fields page also determines the order in which any custom fields you have included on your Religious Education registration are displayed. Set Order of Custom Fields provides full instruction.

Updating Custom Fields

Once a custom field has been created, you can update the information for specific terms. Custom field information is found on the Additional Info card on the Religious Education registration. The article Update Custom Field Answers Religious Education Registration Form provides full instruction.

Editing a Custom Field

If you need to change a custom field after it has been created, you can edit a custom field on the Custom Fields page. Editing the custom field updates the information that the custom field collects. The article Edit a Custom Field for a Religious Education Term provides full instructions and information.

Viewing Custom Fields Activity Record

All activity related to creating, editing, and deleting custom fields is stored in the Custom Fields Activity card. Go to Custom Fields, and then select Activity in the main menu to view the record. Please see View Custom Fields Activity for further details.

Religious Education Custom Fields Articles

The following articles contain further information and more detailed instructions for using Religious Education Custom Fields:

Create a Custom Field for a Religious Education Term

Update Custom Field Answers Religious Education Registration Form

Edit a Custom Field for a Religious Education Term 

Delete a Custom Field for a Religious Education Term

View Custom Fields on a Religious Education Registration Form

Set Order of Custom Fields

View Custom Fields Activity




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