About Mission Pathways

This article provides information about Mission Pathways.


Imagine being known as the parish where people encounter Christ. Imagine engagement exploding as parishioners invite guests and new volunteers to serve from their gifts. Imagine participation results increasing as you reinvest to see God's transforming work in your parish.


Build a vibrant, mission-activated parish! Mission Pathways equips your parish with the tools to help individuals encounter Christ and grow as disciples. 


  • Enter your discipleship plan using Strategy Filters.
  • Launch evangelization events, facilitate discipleship groups.
  • Track progress towards goals-Know what is working and what is not. 
  • Lead parishioners and guests to grow deeper in faith.


Mission Pathways is a platform designed to create and implement your evangelization and discipleship plan without losing sight of your people.

Similar to how Online Giving tracks donations and Church Manager tracks families and demographics, Mission Pathways is designed to track parishioners' faith journeys, facilitate evangelization events, and manage discipleship groups. 


Mission Pathways is divided into 4 main modules; Encounter, Grow, Accompany, and Inform




Disciples begin their journey through an encounter with the Lord, whether they are touched by powerful words from a speaker in an event, have an experience of community through a program like Alpha, or come to a new and profound knowledge of Christ through prayer. The Encounter Module in Mission Pathways is designed for facilitating such encounters. 

The Encounter module has two distinct types of events, Sessions and Retreats. Sessions are meant to help facilitate the beginning of parishioner's faith journey, no matter what their status. Within each individual session that is created, a plethora of tools are provided to help keep things organized.


A few of the tools included are customizable registration forms for both participants and volunteers, the ability to create in-depth food plan, inclusive of planning the menu and budget, assigning food volunteers, and much more.


There is also the ability to review all the participants, place them into groups, and take attendance on the day of the event. Retreats are intended to be utilized as an extension of an already existing course like Alpha or Christ Life is meant to be its own standalone event.




The second module in Mission Pathways, is Grow, where Sessions are meant for encouraging parishioners to start their faith journey within a specific period of time, Grow groups are geared more towards helping parishioners take the next step in their faith journey. Long term, these would consist of study groups, men and women groups, workshops, and much more. The Grow module provides the tools to keep the details of various small groups organized and provides a shareable calendar so anyone can see the group schedule.



The third module is Accompany. As participants grow in their faith, they are also sent forth to “accompany” one another, promote belonging in the parish community, and lead others to missionary witness. The Accompany module in Mission Pathways helps you to identify where individuals are in their discipleship journey, what their strengths are, and how they might be best invited to deepen their commitment to the faith.


You can view all the Profiles of the parishioners, the different households, and create custom searches to find the exact information you need at anytime. With the Find People tool you can create a custom search that will search all the parishioners in the system based on specific criteria.


Find People has endless combinations to obtain your search goals in case you need to know information like how many people have attended an experience but are not currently involved, or using demographics to find how many men from ages 30 to 45 that are skilled in communication are in the system, or how many people ages 50 and up have gone through multiple Alphas.


You can also view individual profiles of your parishioners. From an individual's profile you can view all the information you need, from basic demographics to where they are in their faith journey, what skills they have, and what events they have been involved in. You can also communicate with them directly via text message or e-mail. The Accompany module also provides the ability to keep detailed notes for everyone. This can be in person meetings, phone calls, or just general notes. 



Last module in Mission Pathways is Inform, where leaders can measure success through trends of events and initiatives. The Inform Reports and Dashboard is a summary of your faith community within the last 12 months. From the dashboard, you can see the fruits of your labors through investing in the lives of individuals.

The Statistics tool within Inform provides a breakdown of the overall impact of specific Sessions. 

The Reports tool gives you insight into the involvement history within Encounter and Grow.


Mission Pathways provides the opportunity to inspire and empower transformation in people's lives. Mission Pathways is more than just software to help you with you Parish Evangelization and Discipleship Strategy. It is the means to invest in relationships, build community, and grow engaged, joy filled disciples.  

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