Enroll in Automatic Payments

This article provides steps to enroll in automatic payments.

By enrolling in automatic payments, you can automatically pay OSV invoices without the need to check for new invoices or schedule payments. Accepted payment methods include checking accounts, savings accounts, and credit cards, and funds are automatically pulled on the due date of the invoice.

Enrollment in the automatic payment option is available up to three days before the invoice due date. For invoices within three days of the due date, or for past due invoices, you must schedule a payment.


Complete the following steps to enroll in automatic payments:


1. Click on Billing in the Main-menu.


2. Click on Enroll to enroll in automatic payments.


3. Select the checkbox for each invoice you want to enroll in automatic payments. You can select individual invoices (Books, pamphlets, & curriculum; Envelopes; Church Management; and Websites), or you can select to enroll All invoices.


4. Select a payment method from saved payment methods in the drop-down menu or add a new billing payment method. Accepted payment methods include checking accounts, savings accounts, and credit cards.


5. Select the checkbox to authorize Our Sunday Visitor to automatically pull funds on the invoice due date.

6. Click on Save Enrollment.

Note* Your new enrollment will be whatever Automatic Payment Enrollment selections are made when you click Save Enrollment.


7. Review the details and click Confirm to confirm and complete the enrollment.

Note* An email is sent to the Billing Administrator confirming the automatic payment enrollment.

Note* If an automatic payment is cancelled due to an invalid payment method, the payment schedule is also cancelled. You must sign in to resolve and reschedule the payment.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.




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