Run a Tax Report from the Reporting Menu

This article provides steps to run a Tax Report from the Reporting menu in Giving.

Running the Tax Report from the reporting menu in Giving generates a contribution letter for all donors in your system, including families, individuals who are tracked separately, and donors not associated with a family or tracked separately individual. You can format the contribution letter to include donation totals by fund as well as contribution details and add an administrator signature image to the letter. The Tax Report also generates labels for mailing the contribution letters or formats the letters for use with windowed envelopes.


Complete the following steps to generate Tax Reports from the Reporting menu:

1. In Giving, select  Reporting in the main menu.

2. In the Select Report Type card, select Tax Report in the drop-down menu.

3. Select the View Option in the drop-down menu.


  • Summary - provides a donation total for each fund

  • Detail - provides fund totals along with a detailed list of individual contributions


4. Select the Report Timeframe in the drop-down menu.

5. Enter the Minimum total contribution.

Note* Setting the minimum total contribution limits the Tax Report to only consist of donors who have given more than the minimum total contribution amount in the report timeframe. The minimum total contribution automatically defaults to the last entered amount. You can update the minimum total contribution any time you run the report. 

6. You can customize the cover letter and format it using the Rich Text toolbar.

7. You can run the Tax report with or without a signature image on the contribution letter. To upload an Administrator Signature Image for the contribution letter, click the Upload Photo box. The system will use the same signature image each time you run the tax report until you change or remove it.


7a. Drag and drop your saved signature image into the upload window (or click browse, select the image and click open).

7b. If necessary, Drag the frame around the image to crop it to the correct size / location. Click Crop when you are finished.

Note* To replace or remove the signature image, hover over the image, and then click the edit pencil icon or the trashcan icon.

7c. Enter the Administrator Full Name and Administrator Title into the appropriate fields.

8. If you wish, select Send Emails to email contribution letters to donors that have email addresses recorded in the system. Any letters that cannot be emailed will be downloaded.

Note* The system uses the family email address by default. If no family email address exists, the system will use the head of household email address and finally the spouse email address. Tracked separately individuals' email addresses are used, if the address exists.  Any statements that cannot be emailed will be included in the PDF download.


9. Select a Mailing Option in the drop-down menu to download a page of donor mailing addresses in your preferred label format. A variety of label formats are available, and labels are printed in the same order as the contribution letters. The Tax Report also supports Windowed Envelope Format as a mailing option. This option formats the contribution letter with addresses listed in the header for use with both single window and double window #10 envelopes. For window envelope format information, please see Window Envelope Size and Format.


10. Click the  Run Tax Report button.

11. If you have selected to Send Emails, click the Yes button to confirm your choice and run the report.


The Tax Report generates a contribution letter for each family (excluding individuals who are tracked separately), tracked separately individuals, and donors not associated with families or individuals tracked separately.


Note* Based on information gained from the Internal Revenue Services (IRS) website, cash contributions include payments made by cash, check, electronic funds transfer, online payment service, debit card, credit card, payroll deduction, or a transfer of a gift card redeemable for cash. A cash contribution, regardless of the amount, cannot be deducted unless you keep one of the following: 

1. A bank record that shows the name of the qualified organization, the date of the contribution, and the amount of the contribution. Bank records may include: a. A cancelled check. b. A bank or credit union statement. c. A credit card statement. d. An electronic fund transfer receipt. e. A scanned image of both sides of a canceled check obtained from a bank or credit union website. 

2. A receipt (or letter or other written communication such as an email) from the qualified organization showing the name of the organization, the date of the contribution, and the amount of the contribution. 

3. The payroll deduction records described next.

See the IRS site for more information:  2021 Publication 526 (

See the following links for more information on how to Run a Tax Report for a Family or Member from the Directory or for how to Run a Tax Report for a Member from Online Giving or How Donors Download Tax Statements. For more general information, please see About Tax Reports.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 



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