About Religious Education Attendance
This article provides information about Religious Education Attendance.
The administrator has 3 options to support recording attendance for a term's class sessions. When a user is working within the system, they can record the attendance for a specific Religious Education class session. Click the link for specific instructions on how to Record Attendance for a Religious Education Session.
The administrator can also create a link to send via email or text for a teacher to record attendance on a computer or mobile device from the external site. With this link, a teacher can record attendance for multiple Religious Education sessions. Click on the link for specific instructions on how to Create an attendance Link for Multiple Religious Education Sessions.
For a substitute teacher, an administrator can email or text a link for a specific Religious Education session, so the substitute can record attendance on a computer or mobile device from the external site. Providing a temporary link prevents having to login or provide access to the entire attendance page for all the sessions. An active link expires after one week from the time it is generated. Click on the link for specific instructions on how to Create a Temporary Attendance Link for a Specific Religious Education Session.
Once recorded, the number of students present is updated and viewable under the the Upcoming Class Sessions card. An administrator can also run an Attendance Report to view who was absent. The attendance report displays a list of students attending the selected classes and shows the days they have been recorded as absent.