Run a Pledge Report from Reporting in Giving

This article provides steps to run a Pledge report from the Reporting module in Giving.

The Pledge Report provides an overview of pledge totals as well as details for pledges in your selected timeframe. The report enables you to filter pledges by organization (if Associated Organizations are enabled), pledge status, and fund, and includes multiple grouping and sorting options to organize the data in your report results.

You can also Run the Pledge Report from the Fund Detail Page to provide only results related to the particular fund.

On the Organizations card, You can also run the Pledge Report for selected Associated Organizations (if enabled) and directly email the results.


Complete the following steps to run the Pledge Report from Reporting:


Run a Pledge Report

1. In Giving, Select Reporting in the main menu.

2. On the Select Report Type card, select Pledge Report in the drop-down menu.

3. If enabled, Select the Associated Organizations from the dropdown menu. (Multiple Associated Organizations can be selected.) Not selecting "No Organization Specified" will result in no data showing for the parent/diocesan organization.

4. Select the Pledge Status from the dropdown menu. (In Progress, Scheduled, Completed, Cancelled, Unfulfilled)

5. Select the desired Funds from the dropdown menu.

6. Select the report timeframe. (Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Year to Date, Last Year, or Custom Date Range).

7. If you wish, select the checkbox to only show pledges that have been updated. Selecting the checkbox provides only pledges that have been updated since they were added in the results. Filtering for only pledges that have been updated may help you identify the pledges that need to be updated in another system. Running this report with the checkbox deselected provides all pledges that have been added during the specified time frame.

8. Select how the report is Grouped. (Funds or Funds and Organizations, if Associated Organizations are enabled)

9. Select the desired Sort option from the dropdown menu (Last Name, Pledge Amount, Pledge Date, Frequency, or Balance).

10. Click on Run Report to process.

Pledge Report Results

The header displays the report As of Date along with a summary of the Pledge Total, Total Amount Collected, Pledge Balance Total, Total Number of Donors, and Total Number of Pledges.

Group by Funds

Pledges are grouped by funds, with totals listed for donors, amount pledged for the fund, and amount collected for the fund. Each pledge for the fund is listed with the name, pledge amount, amount collected, percent complete, pledge dates, installments, frequency and remaining balance.

Group by Funds and Organizations

Pledges are grouped first by by associated organization, with totals for amount pledged, amount collected, pledge balance, donors, and number of pledges listed for each organization. Each Fund includes the fund name, Associated Organization name, number of donors, total pledged and total collected. Each pledge for the fund is listed with the name, pledge amount, amount collected, percent complete, pledge dates, installments, frequency and remaining balance.

You can view the Print Preview format of a report by selecting the print preview icon.

Reconfigure the Report

You can reconfigure and rerun the report as needed by updating selections in the Reconfigure Report card, and then clicking the Update Report icon.

Export the Report

Exporting the report allows you to print the report, save it to your computer, or otherwise use the report. To export the report, click the download icon, and then choose the format type.

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