Donor List Report

This article provides steps to run a report that generates a list of donors who give to the church based on multiple criteria.

The Donor List report provides a list of all the new donors added to the system during a chosen timeframe for selected funds, donor types and contributor type. The report results can be sorted by last name, date added, email address, or envelope number.

If you need to remove a donor account, please see Remove Donor Account.

Note* When you remove a donor account from Online Giving, the account is removed from the account list and from the Donor List Report. However, removing a donor account does not affect the donor's giving history; the donor's transactions will still appear on reports (e.g., the Tax Report) and exports.


Complete the following steps to run the Donor List report:

1. In Giving, select Reporting in the main menu.

2. To begin configuring the report select Donor List from the drop down.

3. Select the Donor Type: Select All, Account, Guest, or Managed. The Select All option runs the report for all donor types.

4. Select the Donor Added Date Range or enter a custom date range.

5. Select the Contributor Status: Select All, Active, or Inactive. The Select All options runs the report for both contributor types.

Note* To be considered an active contributor, a family must have given a gift to your organization within the active contributor timeframe specified in your Directory Settings. To learn more about updating the active contributor setting, please see Edit Active Contributor.

6. Select the Fund(s) for which you want to run the report.

7. Select the Sort option the report: Last Name, Date Added, Email, or Envelope Number.

8. Click the Run Report button.

Donor List Report Results

The report lists donors added within the selected date range, sorted by your selected sort option. The report lists donor name, envelope number, phone number, email, physical address, donor type, and date added for each donor.

You can view the Print Preview format of a report by selecting the print preview icon.

Reconfigure the Report

You can reconfigure and rerun the donor list report as needed by updating selections in the Reconfigure Report card, and then clicking the Update Report icon.

Export the Report

Exporting the report allows you to print the report, save it to your computer, or otherwise use the report. To export a Donor List report, click the download icon, and then choose the format type.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing.

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