View Custom Fields Answers on a Registration List Report

This article provides steps to view custom fields answers on a Registration List Report CSV export report.

An administrator can view custom field answers to custom field questions for a registration on a Registration Report.  The answers to custom questions for a registration report can be captured in the CSV of the registration report in the registration module.

Note* The custom fields information is not added to the registration report's pdf or excel export reports. It is only viewable on the csv export report.

Complete these steps to run a registration student class list report:

1. Begin from the Religious Education module.

2. Select Reporting.

3. Click on the drop-down arrow.

4. Select Registration List as the Type from the menu.

5. From the Term Type drop-down menu select a Term from the list of Terms, (Faith Formation, VBC, OCIA, Other, or select All to include All Term Types in the Report) The Term Type would have been specified when setting up the Term.

6. Select the desired Term from the Term drop-down menu. This shows all the terms that have been created in Religious Education.

7. Select the desired Program(s) from the drop-down menu.

8. Select the Registration Status. (Approved, Unapproved, All)

9. Click on Run Report.

10. Click on the export icon.

11. Select CSV from the drop-down menu. (The file will download.)

12. Click on the icon to open the file.

Note* The custom fields are added near the end of the columns on the csv export. The custom field label will be the column header. It is limited to 100 characters.

Note* The video is best viewed at full screen. Press Esc on your keyboard when you are finished viewing. 




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